Pirates similar to Browncoats? We aim to misbehave.

Why don't pirates smoke?

Thar wearin'a patch

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Cheese Weasel Con Games at Gencon

Those fun folks at Cheese Weasel are having a scavenger hunt of sorts at GenCon Indy; and Rootjack is a part of the hunt. So check out your guest bag for the start to your epic adventure.

An adventure awaits you! Among the giants of the exhibit hall are fascinating gems of innovation, and answers you are looking for. Each finished quest chain enters you in a drawing for more than $10,000 in games and accessories.

Look out for giant yellow exclamation points!!!

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2007 by Voodoo Elixirs Inc. RootJack, Astrea Valentine and associated logos are trademarks of Voodoo Elixirs Inc. All other logos, brand names, and product names listed are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Looking for RootJack, Rock and Roll from the Pacific North West? Then you want RootJack.US
RootJack: The Pirate Energy Drink is not affiliated with RootJack the Band.